Train Like an Athlete with This 30-Day Workout Plan

Sprint Saturday Means Total-Body Conditioning

HIIT it hard one last time each week. You’ll sprint, crawl and jump around to blast calories and then mix in some strength moves to get your muscles burning. Work hard today, play hard tomorrow (with stretching, that is).

Saturday Week 1 Plan

Circuit 1 (Run & Plyos), repeat for 3 rounds

1. 15-Second Sprint

*You want to reach about and 8 or 9 on your level of perceived exertion during the sprint (translation: you should be breathing heavy!).

2. 15-Second Bear Crawl

How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart and reach down to place your palms on the ground (a). With a slight bend in your knees, hips raised, step one hand and the opposite foot forward and then the other. You want to move at a swift pace and use the power of your glutes to move forward (b).

Athlete Training Plan: Bear Crawl Exercise

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CIRCUIT 2 (TRX), repeat for 2 rounds

Remember, if you don’t have TRX equipment, simply sub in dumbbells, resistance bands or a towel on a slick surface (particularly for those knee tucks you already mastered on Monday). Use just your bodyweight for jumping, if necessary.

1. 1-Minute Push-Up Knee Tuck

How to: With your feet in both TRX handles, stretch out into a high plank position with shoulders over wrists (a). Perform one push-up (b). At the top of the plank, pull your knees into your chest, without piking or dropping your hips (c). Return to plank and repeat.

Athlete Training Plan: TRX Push-Up Knee Tuck Exercise

2. 1-Minute Plank to Pike

How to: With your feet in both TRX handles, stretch out into a high plank position with shoulders over wrists (a). Pull your hips up, using your abs to perform a pike (b). Lower back down to a plank and repeat.

Athlete Training Plan: TRX Plank Pike Exercise

3. 1-Minute Mid Row

How to: Holding a handle of the TRX in each hand, palms facing each other, walk your feet forward to hit a reverse plank. Abs should stay tight through the entire exercise (a). Use your back muscles to pull your elbows back and body forward, keeping your body in a straight line. Elbows should stay in close to your sides (b). Slowly lower back down (c). Repeat.

Athlete Training Plan: TRX Mid Row Exercise

4. 1-Minute I

How to: With both hands in the TRX handles, palms facing you, walk your feet forward to hit a reverse plank (a). Keeping your arms straight and abs and glutes tight, lift your arms straight overhead to form an I (b). Slowly lower them back down to your legs and repeat.

Athlete Training Plan: TRX I Exercise

5. 1-Minute Squat Jumps

How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart, holding both TRX handles with palms facing each other (a). Lower down into a squat (b). Quickly explode up, pushing off your toes (c). Lower softly back down and repeat.

Athlete Training Plan: TRX Squat Jumps Exercise

RELATED: 6 Squat Variations for Total-Body Strength

CIRCUIT 3 (Isometric Hold), repeat for 2-3 rounds

1. 1-Minute Hollow Body Hold

How to: Lie on your back, arms and legs extended. Lift your head, shoulders and legs just a few inches off the floor as you push your belly button toward the floor, slightly tucking your pelvis. Hold.

Athlete Training Plan: Hollow Hold

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Saturday Week 2 Plan

CIRCUIT 1 (Run & Plyos), repeat for 3 rounds

1. 30-Second Sprint
2. 30-Second Bear Crawl

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CIRCUIT 2 (Dumbbells), repeat for 3 rounds

1. 1-Minute Dumbbell Thruster

How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in eac hand at racked position (a). Drop your hips down and back into a shallow squat (b). As you stand up, press the dumbbells overhead. You should use the power of your legs to drive the weights up (c). Bring the weight back to your shoulders and repeat.

Athlete Training Plan: Dumbbell Thrusters Exercise

2. 1-Minute Hang Cleans

How to: Start standing with feet about hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, with palms facing you (a). Sit your hips back into a shallow squat and bring your weights down slightly with a flat back (b). Using the power of your legs, drive the weights up to your chest to hit the racked position (c). Return to the starting position and repeat.

Athlete Training Plan: Hang Clean Exercise

3. 1-Minute Swings

How to: Holding a dumbbell at the end with both hands, stand with feet a little wider than hip-width apart. Arms should be down in front of you (a). Maintaining a flat back, hinge forward on an inhale to bring the weight between your legs. Bend your knees slightly (b). Using the power of your glutes and hamstrings, thrust your hips forward to bring the weight up to shoulder height (c). Control the weight back down and repeat.

Athlete Training Plan: Swings Exercise

4. 1-Minute Burpees

How to: Start standing, then drop your hands to the floor and jump your feet back to a plank position (a). Drop your chest all the way to the ground and push yourself back up (b). Jump your feet back up to your hands (c). Jump up into the air and pull your knees into your chest for a tuck jump (d). Land softly back down and repeat.

Athlete Training Plan: Burpee Exercise

RELATED: 7 New Burpee Variations to Test Your Strength

Circuit 3 (Isometric Hold), repeat for 2-3 rounds

1. 1-Minute Hollow Body Hold

RELATED: Why Range of Motion Matters for Your Strength Training Goals


Saturday Week 3 Plan

CIRCUIT 1 (Run & Plyos), repeat for 3 rounds

1. 45-Second Sprint
2. 45-Second Bear Crawl

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CIRCUIT 2 (TRX & Plyo), repeat for 3 rounds

1. 1-Minute TRX Squat Jumps

How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart, holding both TRX handles with palms facing each other (a). Lower down into a squat (b). Quickly explode up, pushing off your toes (c). Lower softly back down and repeat. 

2. 1-Minute Burpee Broad Jumps

How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart (a). Lower into a squat (b). Using your arms for some momentum, explode up and forward (c). Land softly back down and immediately place your hands on the ground and jump your feet back to a plank position (c). Drop your chest to the ground (d). Push yourself back up and jump your feet back up to your hands (e). Stand up and repeat.

Athlete Training Plan: Broad Jump Burpee Exercise

3. 1-Minute TRX Tricep Extensions

How to: Holding the handle of a TRX in each hand, palms facing the floor, come to the other side of the TRX (facing away from the hook). Walk your feet back to hit a regular plank-like position. Abs should stay tight through the entire exercise (a). Keeping your elbows in line with shoulders, bend them as you lower down, bringing your hands toward your forehead. Your body should remain in one straight line (b). Slowly push back up to the start (c). Repeat.

Athlete Training Plan: TRX Triceps Extension Exercise

4. 1-Minute Reverse Bear Crawl

How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart and reach down to place your palms on the ground (a). With a slight bend in your knees, hips raised, step one hand and the opposite foot backward and then the other. You want to move at a swift pace and use the power of your legs to move backward (b).

Athlete Training Plan: Reverse Bear Crawl Exercise

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CIRCUIT 3 (Isometric Hold)

1. 1-Minute Hollow Body Hold

Repeat for 2-3 rounds

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Saturday Week 4 Plan

CIRCUIT 1 (Run & Plyos)

1. 60-Second Sprint
2. 60-Second Bear Crawls

Repeat for 3 rounds

RELATED: Should You Stretch Mid-Workout for Better Results?

CIRCUIT 2 (Plyos), repeat for 4 rounds

1. 30-Second/side Lateral Med Ball Slam

How to: Start standing with your side to a wall, slight bend in your knees and holding a med ball with both hands (a). Toss the med ball to your side, against the wall (b). Catch it, return to facing forward, then repeat.

Athlete Training Plan: Lateral Med Ball Slams Exercise

2. 30-Second Swings 

3. 30-Second Mountain Climbers

How to: Start in a high plank position, shoulders over your wrists and body in a straight line from shoulders to ankles (a). Drive one knee in toward your chest, then straighten it back and down into a plank (b). Repeat with the opposite leg and continue alternating.

Athlete Training Plan: Mountain Climbers Exercise

4. 30-Second Sprint

RELATED: The 5 Hip Stretches You Need to Relieve Tightness Now

CIRCUIT 3 (Isometric Hold), repeat for 2-3 rounds

1. 1-Minute Hollow Body Hold

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