HIIT It to the Max with Friday Conditioning Day
Sprints, burpees, bear crawls, oh my! On Friday, it’s all about cardio — and crushing major calories. You’ll feel like you scored a first-place finish at the end of these workouts if you really push your limits. Just put your game face on and get after it!
Friday Week 1 Plan
Circuit 1 (Intervals), repeat for 5 rounds
1. 15-Second Sprint
2. 45-Second Recovery
*You want to reach about and 8 or 9 on your level of perceived exertion during the sprint (translation: you should be breathing heavy!).
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CIRCUIT 2 (Plyometrics)
Start with one minutes of burpees, followed by 15 seconds of mountain climbers. Then decrease your burpee time by 15 seconds and increase your mountain climber time for 15 seconds. Continue with that progression until you do one minute of climbers and just 15 seconds of burpees. Then repeat from the top for another round.
1. Burpees
How to: Start standing, then drop your hands to the floor and jump your feet back to a plank position (a). Drop your chest all the way to the ground and push yourself back up (b). Jump your feet back up to your hands (c). Jump up into the air and pull your knees into your chest for a tuck jump (d). Land softly back down and repeat.
2. Mountain Climbers
How to: Start in a high plank position, shoulders over your wrists and body in a straight line from shoulders to ankles (a). Drive one knee in toward your chest, then straighten it back and down into a plank (b). Repeat with the opposite leg and continue alternating.
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CIRCUIT 3 (Suicides)
Think back to your toughest sports practices and they probably involved some suicide drills. Well, it’s time to channel your younger workout warrior and power through this circuit. You’ve got this!
Aim to do a 5-, 10-, 15- then 20-yard sprint, down and back. Or if you’re on the treadmill, go for 5 seconds, then 10, 15 and 20. Rest for 15 seconds, then repeat for 5 rounds. Is there a better way to celebrate the weekend?
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CIRCUIT 4 (Core Work), repeat for 2-3 rounds
1. 1-Minute Cocoons
How to: Lying on your back, extend your arms and legs straight out (a). Lift your feet, shoulders, head and arms a few inches off the ground (b). Pull your knees in toward your chest as you sit up higher and bring your arms to either side of your legs (c). Straight back out (c). Repeat.
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Friday Week 2 Plan
CIRCUIT 1 (Intervals), repeat for 5 rounds
1. 30-Second Sprint
2. 30-Second Recovery
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CIRCUIT 2 (Plyometrics)
1. 1-Minute Squat Jumps
How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart, holding both TRX handles with palms facing each other (a). Lower down into a squat (b). Quickly explode up, pushing off your toes (c). Lower softly back down and repeat.
2. 1-Minute Plyo Lunges
How to: Start standing with one foot in front of the other, shoulders over hips (a). Drop down into a lunge, both knees bent 90 degrees (b). Explode up, switching your legs in the air so you land back down in the opposite lunge, legs bent 90 degrees (c). Continue alternating.
3. 1-Minute Bear Crawls
How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart and reach down to place your palms on the ground (a). With a slight bend in your knees, hips raised, step one hand and the opposite foot forward and then the other. You want to move at a swift pace and use the power of your glutes to move forward (b).
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CIRCUIT 3 (Suicides)
See week #1 and try to beat your time if you’re running yards.
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CIRCUIT 4 (Core Work), repeat for 2-3 rounds
1. 1-Minute Cocoons
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Friday Week 3 Plan
CIRCUIT 1 (Intervals), repeat for 5 rounds
1. 45-Second Sprint
2. 15-Second Recovery
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CIRCUIT 2 (Plyometrics)
1. 1-Minute Squat Jumps
2. 1-Minute Sprint
3. 1-Minute Burpee Broad Jumps
How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart (a). Lower into a squat (b). Using your arms for some momentum, explode up and forward (c). Land softly back down and immediately place your hands on the ground and jump your feet back to a plank position (c). Drop your chest to the ground (d). Push yourself back up and jump your feet back up to your hands (e). Stand up and repeat.
4. 1-Minute Mountain Climbers
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CIRCUIT 3 (Suicides)
See week #1 and try to beat your time if you’re running yards.
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CIRCUIT 4 (Core Work), repeat for 2-3 rounds
1. 1-Minute Cocoons
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Friday Week 4 Plan
CIRCUIT 1 (Intervals), repeat for 5 rounds
1. 60-Second Sprint
2. 10-Second Recovery
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CIRCUIT 2 (Plyometrics), repeat for 6 rounds
1. 30-Second Sprint
2. 30-Second Burpees
3. 30-Second Mountain Climbers
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CIRCUIT 3 (Suicides)
See week #1 and try to beat your time if you’re running yards.
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CIRCUIT 4 (Core Work), repeat for 2-3 rounds
1-Minute Cocoons