The good news: The eggs in your breakfast sandwich do some serious work. Protein keeps you full while choline, a B vitamin, helps boost brain power. The bad news: That on-the-go breakfast from your favorite coffee shop or brunch spot probably has a less-than-healthy amount of fat, cholesterol and calories. Though tasty, these sandwiches — like the 500-calorie Starbucks Sausage and Cheddar Sandwich and the Dunkin’ Donuts Ham Egg and Cheese (packing 1,200 grams of sodium) — can weigh you down even before your day has gotten started. So ditch the drive-thru! We’ve rounded up slimmed-down versions that will keep you satisfied until lunchtime rolls around. (And if you want to make them for dinner, we won’t tell!)
1. Low-Calorie Breakfast Sandwich with Turkey Bacon
Deli thins give this 350-calorie sammie a toasty crunch without excess carbs, and low-sodium turkey bacon will pack some extra protein without the fat of regular bacon. Sautéed bell peppers, rich in antioxidants, put this sandwich in a league of its own. Photo and Recipe: Francesca / Food Nasty
2. Fried Egg and Serrano Ham Sandwich
Fix up a breakfast that’s full of folate, an inflammation-fighting B vitamin that occurs in asparagus. Want to cut down on the carbs? Consider using just one piece of multigrain bread to make this a delicious open-faced sandwich. Photo and Recipe: Consuelo / Honey & Figs
3. Breakfast Sandwich with Canadian Bacon
Protein is the name of the game if you want a breakfast that keeps you full — and this sandwich packs a whopping 25 grams of it! Skip salting your egg since the bacon and cheddar cheese will provide enough salty taste. Photo and Recipe: Vered / Healthy Recipes Blogs
4. Egg White Sandwich
Out the door ASAP in the morning? Make healthy breakfast a no-brainer with this recipe for egg white sandwiches. Mix in seasonal veggies to the egg mixture prior to baking if you want some extra nutrients and flavor! Photo and Recipe: Christine / Once a Month Meals
5. Eggs, Salmon and Feta
Smoked salmon, an excellent source of omega-3s, steals the spotlight in this elegant open-faced sandwich. Whisk your eggs with skim milk to make them fluffier before scrambling, or skip it (and the feta cheese) if you prefer to go dairy-free. Photo and Recipe: Inessa / Grab and Go Recipes
6. Spinach and Poached Egg Muffins
Get your greens in the a.m. by sautéing spinach with low-fat crème fraîche to liven up a poached egg muffin. You’ll have to serve the poached egg straight away, so save this recipe for when you’ve got the time to properly prepare and enjoy it. Photo and Recipe: Karen / Lavender and Lovage

7. Healthy Egg Benedict
Though not technically a sandwich, the ultimate open-faced sandwich is a brunch classic we love to devour come the weekend. Since the typical restaurant version can rack up more than 700 calories, this recipe lightens things up by substituting a chicken broth-based sauce for heavy hollandaise sauce. Photo and Recipe: Perry Santanachote / Life by DailyBurn
8. Portobello Breakfast Cups
Don’t shy away from the ‘shrooms! Juicy Portobellos, apart from being a good source of fiber and B vitamins, make the perfect base for this veggie-ful breakfast. Fill a broiled Portobello with kale, peppers and chicken sausage and then top it all off with a sunny-side up egg. Photo and Recipe Ari / Ari’s Menu