Ever wake up on a Monday feeling less than inspired to get up, shower, commute to the office and get your day started? You’re not alone: While research shows approximately 37 percent of North and South Americans feel like they’ve got a strong purpose in life, the rest of us are floundering. That may sound like a bummer, but the good news is that finding meaning in your life is easier than you think — and it will make you an infinitely healthier and happier person.
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Happify, a website devoted to the science of — you guessed it, happiness — is helping you ID what’ll get you going every day, whether that’s discovering a new passion (like gardening or writing), finding which skills come naturally to you (yeah, you own that deadlift!), or even just visualizing the end of your oh-so-successful day.
It’s worth the effort — because as soon as you boost meaning in your life, research shows you’ll also improve your own well-being. (Think: lower risk of stroke and hospitalization, protection from Alzheimer’s disease, prolonged longevity and more, according to Happify.)
Another foolproof method to feeling better while you’re on your journey? Exercise, of course! Research shows that it can reduce stress, improve your mood and boost self-esteem — all essential to finding your purpose.
RELATED: Bye, Monday Blues: 10 Instant Ways to Boost Happiness
So use today, Monday, as the perfect kickoff to finding your purpose and start taking steps to find meaning. Try an energizing yoga flow, donate to a new charity or give any one of the many ideas from the infographic below a go. We guarantee you’ll end up owning your week — and come out even stronger. Humblebrag, optional. Monday Motivation, guaranteed.